"Kristi Royse is a dynamic and engaging presenter who knows her material well, connects deeply and quickly with the audience, and passionately engages the audience in interactive, life-changing conversations. I would highly recommend her to facilitate panels or workshops, and to lead team meetings around leadership and change management."

Linda Holroyd, CEO


Other Services & Tools

Below are some additional programs and tools that we offer.

While many of these are often incorporated into our other programs, we are happy to offer them separately when that is the best solution for you.

  • DiSC Assessment: For teams and individuals, with full guidance and coaching available.
  • Lunchtime Learning: Bite-size, customized programs you can offer as a benefit to your employees for their growth & development.
  • Team-building: Workshops, retreats and activities to devleop your team's collaboration skills.
  • Relationship Building & Networking: Skills that have never been more important than in today's business environment.
  • Time Management: Systems for the time-challenged leader or team.

  • "I particularly enjoyed debriefing my DiSC profile with Kristi, as she really provided insights that I had not obtained from reading the profile report on my own. By knowing my pattern (or the way I naturally operate inside a team), I can be responsible for my impact within any given team and cognizant of the situations where I perform at my optimum. I can imagine that having an entire team complete the DiSC profile would be hugely beneficial to any manager and allow the manager to construct powerful and useful performance reviews, elicit the best from the team, and by knowing how each individual prefers to interact and receive feedback, the manager could no doubt create an incredibly successful team."

    Catherine Houdek, Partner
    Rigore Consulting

Please Contact Us and let's discuss how we can best help you succeed.